Monday, August 30, 2010

My fave pick for the Emmys

Claire Dannes at the Emmys
I do love a good US red carpet, like every girl! I love seeing what the stars rock up in and what looks they have gone for as a tip of what we in the real world will be wanting. 
I was a little frustrated by the amount of updo's there were as well for me they all looked the same...
For me there were 2 looks that blew me away.
The first goes to miss Claire Danes with her summery look. I love the shade of blonde she has gone for and the amazing blow dry! Her cheeks are so nice and pink just on the apples of her cheeks, something I am a big fan of doing!
Her eyes are kept very natural with a gold shadow just on top of her eyes and under her lower eyelids. The shimmery feel to it is something I will be wanting in these warmer months, with a musk pink lipstick to complete the look. She looks radiant!

Christina Hendricks at the Emmys
The second look I love is by the ever beautiful miss Christina Hendricks. I absolutely love her. We share a very similar body shape and she has really helped me feel more comfortable with it. I am not the stick skinny size 6 Hollywood norm and neither is she, nor does she try to be. She has the kind of confidence a lot of us should aspire to have.
I think her skin in these photos just glows as well. You can tell she really is strict about the "sunscreen on for every second you go near the sun" rule, as we all should be.
She has used very subtle eye makeup with a dash of purple to compliment her beautiful dress but her focus is on her porcelain skin. 
I guess for me beauty to me is letting your natural skin shine through, rather than say Kim Kardashian who has such a thick layer of makeup on you would need a knife to scrape it off her face. To me that's not beauty.  
Do you agree?

Thanks to Bella Sugar as I borrowed your pics

miss chew


Trending it the cheap way

My new shoes- Target $24 BARGAIN!!
Saturday was one of those magical once in a blue moon days where my boyfriend said "Wanna go to the shops?" ummm hell yes...
I dream of these days kids, never happens so I totally relish every second of it... 
We had a little look in Target (I'm a bargain hunter, what can I say) and I found they had just stocked up on new Summer shoes.... oh joy!! I took myself off to the girls section and was in love, IN LOVE!! I found 3 pairs including one I was blogging about only last week! 
How adorable are they and by golly so cheap!
My lovely, amazing boyfriend bought me 3 pairs of shoes as I came back from the girls section with 3 pairs of shoes in my arms and tears glittering in the corners of my eyes saying "I'm just so happy!". How could he resist!!
I find with new trends which look like they won't be around too long, like these clogs, opting for a cheaper pair suits me just fine!
Love love love!!
But be quick, I know all these babies won't be there for long!

miss chew


Friday, August 27, 2010

Getting better with age, brought to you by Nivea...

Anti-Wrinkle Q10Plus Tinted Day Cream, $18.89
When we think of shiz that gets better with age what does it make you think of? Wine? Cheese? Brad Pitt? d. all of the above?
Well thanks to the good people at Nivea they were able to combine 2 of the 3 (Brad Pitt was busy) to help launch their new Nivea Visage Anti-Wrinkle Q-10 Plus Tinted Day Cream.
Why is this product awesome you ask?
Because its a massive multitasker!! 

Not only is it:
a. have a SPF 15 cause you know how important sun protection is.
b. has a great colour and coverage for when you don't want to wear much makeup. When I first squirted some out onto my hand I felt like I was looking at a foundation and not a tinted moisturisier. This is a massive plus for me.
c. Keeps your skin nice and hydrated all day long- big bonus as even though the temperature is warming up, hydration is still important.
d. But it also is anti-ageing with its amazing Q10 key ingredient! The increase in sun exposure with the warmer months coming up means that this key ingredient is important to maintain the youthful appearance in our skin.

How much more could you want off one little bottle?

At our lovely launch it was all about cheese and wine getting better with age and everything kept being brought back to the wonder of Nivea (nice work) Here is a pick of my lovely cheese and wine selection...
My cheese and wine... nom nom nom
It was a really great afternoon and really honed in on the whole 30 is the new 20 and how age isnt something to fear but to embrace. Embrace time passing with a new found feeling of freedom and independence. 
A attitude I really think we could all take on board a little bit more sometimes, myself included. 
Lastly here is a pic of their beautiful prodz!
Beautiful Prodz
Have a great weekend guys, just in case you don't hear from me this weekend, I'll talk to you next week!

miss chew


In search of smoother pastures... my journey to be rid of cellulite

Beauty Mouse
I have a confession to make... I am a woman and I have cellulite! I can hear your shocks and gasps from here. I know it’s a shock. Now being the beauty lover I am I have tried all the creams out there that are supposed to get rid of my dreaded cottage cheese but the cottage cheese remains. I have read about the Beauty Mouse on my works website and was impressed by what it claims. These products are made by the same people that make the Dermaroller. Our Australian distributors are Clinic Care
What you do is after you have a shower you apply the DermaQuest DermaFirm cream (which smells like peppermint) to the cellulite affected areas like you butt, thighs, hips, you know the usual culprits. The cream alone aims to reduce and prevent the storage of fat cells by regulating lypolysis and lipogenisis, basically the formation of fat cells through its 6 active ingredients. It increases microcirculation which drains the edema of localised fat, resulting in a smoother and slimmer appearance. Yay!  
Then you use the mouse over the same areas. How it works is that the beauty mouse incorporates 3 x Dermaroller heads and  a total of 480 micro-needles, the micro-needles help to enhance the creams effectiveness by 200 times to help the cream delve deep into the skin and it helps stimulate circulation.  Now this is supposed to be painless but the reality is its hundreds of little needles!! Yes they are 0.2mm but umm there still needles! I thought it really stung personally! I was left with little red dots all over my skin which stayed all night and continued to sting all night! The day after I can still see where I did it. Now I don’t know if I did it too hard or what but owww!
You continue to just use the cream in the mornings and at each night use the beauty mouse. I read on their website that they caution people initially against using the beauty mouse everyday until your skin gets used to it, but I still can't bring myself to do it more then every 3 days with the stinging pain. I know they say that beauty is pain but I just don't know if it is worth it or not. I really like the cellulite cream as it makes my legs feel so soft, however the smell is a little strong to wear in the day, who wants peppermint legs? So far my legs are looking a little smoother but I think the pain level means its hard to use it to it full potential.

Beauty Mouse retails for $285
Dermaquest DermaFirm Cream $150

I will post another blog with further information with price etc when I have been using this system for a bit longer and will (Hopefully) have greater results.... Stay Tuned...

miss chew


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Good lord she's gorgeous...

J-Hawk shoot for the Spring/Summer Siren Campaign
Whilst continuing on my hunt for my clogs I came across the Siren website, a shoe brand I have been a fan of for a while now which actually do great clog like shoes which you can find here. My point is I came across their ad campaign which stars Miss Universe, aka, Jennifer Hawkins, aka J-Hawk and yet again I am blown away by how gorgeous she is...

miss chew 


5 things I am lusting over right now...

I am a girl and by golly I love to shop, well mostly I am drooling over my next purchases... This is 5 of the things I want so bad right now...
1. Clogs
 1. Clogs. The so remind me of the 90's and are just so effortlessly cool right now. I have seem them at Sportsgirl and heard whispers that a cheap version will be arriving at Payless soon!

2. Parlux Hairdryer $175

2. I have heard such amazing things about Parlux hairdryers that they dry your hair faster than pretty much... well anything, used my hairdresses all over, including mine and you can buy them from Adore Beauty by clicking on that link. They are a bit exy at approximately $175 give or take but will last you yonks and yonks! The fact that it also comes in my favourite colour purple is also a mad bonus!
3. Mimco Cuff $229
 3. Oh Mimco, my love affair with you has surpassed all other love affairs and you never fail to disappoint! This cuff has particularly caught my eye with the amazing detail and will definitely attract attention. One of the things I love about Mimco is it just doesn't seem to date either.
You can show at mimco or find your closest store here.
4. Laura MercierTri-Shade Radiant Creme Cheek Colour, $68…
4. This is a recent ad from a blog post I read on Primped yesterday which you can view here. I have been on the look out for a good creamy blush and I love how I can blend whether I want a more pink cheek or a more bronzed or gold shimmer cheek! Prefect multi use prod!! Laura Mercier always delivers the goods and this looks to be no exception!
5. Fringe Handbag
5. As we begin to farewell Winter (Finally) I am looking forwards towards what I will be wearing come the warmer months and festival seasons. One I am sure to want to have is a fringe leather handbag. So effortlessly cool. I can picture it now with jean short cut offs, millions of bangles up my arm and loose flowy clothing... ahh Summer I can't wait! I am yet to find this perfect specimen, so if you have seen one around please let me know! Ta!

Hope you enjoyed

miss chew


Love the feel of a new hair cut

I got my hair cut this morning from my fabulous hairdresser Toni, the same hairdresser I have had since I was 10 years old, now that's loyalty! She knows my hair better then, well me and without fail will always produce an amazing cut or colour. 
This time I got a trim and more pronouced layers in my hair at the front with some thinning out of my fringe so I can grow it out properly.
Makes me feel nice and fresh and considering I have a function tonight, a good blow dry isn't too bad either.

miss chew 


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Organic tinted moisturiser... yes please!

I won this amazing product from the great people at Spa Universe so I was very excited to try it.
What I initially loved about this product is that it’s all organic! They encourage you to rub it in between your fingers first to warm and activate the crème then gently pat into the skin.
If you have oily skin you will love this as it’s so light and quickly absorbed. The smell is absolutely divine due to all the natural products it contains. The tinted coverage for me doesn’t do much but I use this as a base for my mineral powder foundation. I like that unlike other tinted moisturisers with sunscreens that this cream is actually helping my skin. Rather than just protecting me from the sun.
This cream doesn’t come cheap but with all the amazing ingredients and how amazing it feels on your skin it is a worthy investment. I will definitely continue to use this product and I am keen to try out more in their range.

To find out more: visit spa universe
Price: $120

miss chew

Really, really, really clean skin...

Ever clean your face without feeling really, really clean? Enter the new L'oreal Paris Perfect Clean.
To use this product you take the little circular exfoliator and pour a small amount onto the pad and in a circular motion work the product into your skin. What I loved about this product is how clear my skin felt after I used it. I really felt like I was thoroughly removing all the dirt and grime
 from a long day off my face and the exfoliator pad felt really nice on my skin.

I will definitely be using all of this great cleanser and would recommend it to anyone who is in need of a good clean of their face.

Where can you find this little gem: Priceline, supermarkets and the ususal
Price: $12.95

miss chew


The hair I long to have...

Lauren Conrad
At the moment I am slowly packing up my life to move into a new apartment with my boyfriend and I am taking this time to continue my viewing of "the Hills", god I have missed it! 
I have a rather unnatural obsession with Lauren Conrad. Whether it's her hair, clothes, makeup... ahhhhh..... 
This pic just sums it all up really...
Whilst I am about 5-10cm shy of having her length in my hair I have been trying to get that same look in my hair for a while with rather terrible results!

What I am excited about it the new Remington hair curler!  

The new Hair curler which hits the shops in October, (grrr I want it now) will revolutionise the way we curl hair with a cone shape heating iron which you wind your hair along, no clips to get your hair caught in and voila! Done!
The most amazing thing apart from how fast it heats is how friggin cheap it is at only $50 odd dollars!!!!
I will definitely be getting one, as will pretty much most girls I know!!

At the Remington Launch

Me getting my hair curled

The "after" my attempt to be like LC

Watching The Hills also makes me realise its just about time I broke out the fake tanner and started bronzing up in time for Spring and then Summer...

miss chew


Why this is the only moisturiser you need right now...

Dr Spiller Biocosmetic -Collagen Face Cream
If you are like pretty much every normal Sydney-sider right now, or have ever experienced a winter you will know that Mother Nature is not kind to our skins in winter. Due to the dryness of my skin I have been using thicker creams which have been causing me to massively break out! Great just what you want in Winter! Enter the Collagen Face Cream or as I have learned its generally called the Blue Cream. 
I was introduced the wonder cream from Dee Davies owner of  the Clear Skin Clinic in Double Bay recently. There will be another blog on that soon, but what she was saying was that a lot of the moisturisers out on the market contain fats which clog your pores leading to these breakouts. The beauty of the blue cream is its a water based cream! When you rub it between your fingers its so nice a thick and feels weird without the usual fats. What I love is that I can slather my skin in this wonder cream morning and night and in the past 3 weeks, no breakouts!!

So lovely and oh so blue!

Cream comes with nifty little spatula so you aren't digging your little mitts in the pot!

In Summer there is a lighter version of the cream to use, perfect!
Honestly, my skin has never felt so hydrated in this harsh weather!!
Price: $114- But worth every penny as you only use small amounts
To find out more:
Call their hotline at 1300 301 007
or check out their website
Sold: Beauticians nationally

miss chew


Websites that I love...

I just thought I would let you in on some fabulous websites I pretty much can't get through the day without viewing a million times!

<3 them!

miss chew

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Welcome to my blog!

There are many topics I am interested in and this blog, for me, is a long time coming. 

I am aiming with this blog to provide information on new beauty products on the market and beauty treatments I have tried and where you can find these amazing places.

As well as recipes I have followed or food recipes I have made up and want to share with everyone, with photos of cause!

I really just want to give you information on so many topics, whether it is some news I have heard or something I happen to think is pretty damn cool.

I hope you find this blog enjoyable.

Talk soon,

miss chew

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